Haier Washer HWM8000 User Manual

Fuzzy Computerized Automatic  
Washing Machine  
User's manual  
This manual is for  
Please read this manual  
carefully before using.  
Retain it for future reference.  
Names of the parts  
Top lid A  
Cool water valve  
Warm water valve  
Back faceplate  
Top lid B  
Drier outlet  
Detergent box  
Control panel  
Level meter  
Power line  
Inner tub  
Cabinet handle  
Lint filter(Installed by user)  
hanging hole  
for the drain  
Filter cover  
Drain hose  
Control panel  
back cover  
Front control  
Front fixed  
Adjustable foot  
Adjustable foot  
Rear fixed foot  
Meaning and description of the symbols  
Contents marked with that symbol are related  
to the safety of the product and the personal  
safety of the users. Please operate in strict  
conformity to the contents, otherwise it may  
cause damageof the machine or injure the  
personal safety of the user.  
Warning sign  
Contents marked with that symbol are actions  
forbidden to perform. Performing of those  
actions may result in damage of the machine  
or injure the personal safety of the user.  
Forbidding sign  
Please check if the power receptacle has good earthing condition  
before using to guarantee your safety.  
Safety precautions  
In normal usage of thewashing machine,  
Please insert the power cord into special  
receptacle with rated voltage.Be sure to  
use single-phase three pins receptacle.  
The earthing terminal must be earthed  
reliably.If possible,please adopt electric  
leakage protector.  
the power plug shall be ready to be pulled  
or plugged with hand. Be sure to pull the  
plug off and close the water faucet in  
following cases: power failure, delivering  
the machine, setting the machine idle or  
cleaning the machine. Do not plug  
or pull the power plug with wet hand.  
Do not bend, stretch, twist, bind the power cord by force,  
or reform it. Do not press or clamp it with heavy items. If the  
power cord and power plug are bad, or the receptacle is loose,  
be sure tohave it replacedby the techniciansof our specialshop  
or our agent, or the after-sale service department for the sake  
of avoiding any risk. Keep the prong of the power plug clean.  
If dust isfound on thepower plug, pleasewipe it offwith dry cloth.  
In case the washing machineis installed on  
ground with carpet,be careful notto block the  
ventilation hole withcarpet.  
Do not use water with temperature  
higher than 50 inside the tub.  
The ventilation  
holes at the  
Do not set the machine at dampplace  
like the bathroom.Never wash itwith water.  
Do not put wet laundries on the control  
panel coating.  
Do notwash water-proof laundries like  
the raincoat, bike covers,down textiles etc.  
to avoid abnormalvibrations in spinning and  
damaging the laundries.  
Do not letthe machine shareone receptacle withother  
electric appliances. Ifthe power plugis damaged, orthe  
plugging into thereceptacle is loose,do not useit any  
Safety precautions  
Do not put hand intothe rotating tub. It is  
dangerous even ifthe rotation speedis slow.  
Take special care of thechildren. Keep  
children away from the washing machine  
to avoid themclimbing on it.  
Do not decompose, repairor alter  
the machine byyourself.  
Do not put any hot or heavy items  
(such as thekettle with hotwater) on the  
washing machine.  
Do notwash laundrieswith volatile  
materials (such asthinner, petroletc.).  
Keep themachine away from direct  
sunlight and heatsource like theheater.  
The handicappedor childrenshall not  
use the machinewithout care.  
To protect your laundries and washing  
machine, please take out all of the coins,  
buttons, sand, hairpin and other foreign  
materials before washing.  
Toprevent the lintin the tubfrom blocking  
the cascade outlet and influencing the  
cascade effect, please keep the lint filter  
in good condition, and install it to proper  
position during washing. If the lint filter is  
lost or damaged, please contact the local  
after-sale service department of our  
Please check if the water faucet is open, and if  
the connection of the water inlet pipe is proper.  
It is suggested to use foamless washing powder.  
Installation and adjustment  
Please install and adjust the machine according to the requirement of the manual, which is very  
important for you to operate the machine safely and properly.  
Install the bottom plate  
After opening the package, please lean the  
washing machine gently down on soft items  
(like towel cloth, blanket, etc.). Install the  
bottom plate to the bottom of the machine  
with eight screws by  
cross screwdriver,  
then lift the machine up gently. See to the  
Soft item  
Bottom plate  
Adjust the installation position  
The largest allowable slope of the shank base  
of the machine is 2 . The slanting or rough  
ground will result in unstable running or  
stoppage of the machine. Please adjust it with  
following methods:  
Confirm it's horizontal:  
Air bubble  
If the bulb of the level meter at the balance display  
position is inside the standard circle, it indicates that  
the machine is horizontal. Otherwise you need to  
adjust the adjustable leg of the machine.  
Not suitable  
Standard circle  
Adjust theadjustable leg:  
1.Totwist the adjustableleg, please firstlift up the  
leg side slightly, loosen theadjustable nut, and  
then twist theleg.  
Adjustable nut  
Adjustable leg  
2.After adjustment, fastenthe nut.  
Install the lint filter  
After opening the package, please takeout the lint  
filter from the document bag, install it to the filter cover  
of inner tub. See to thefigure.  
Inner tub  
Lint filter  
How to change the direction of the drain hose  
1.Dismount the back cover of the washing machine.  
2.Lay down the washing machine gently with the front  
side facing the ground. Use cross screwdriver to  
loosen the eight screws. Take off the bottom plate.  
4.Dismount the protecting cover of the drain outlet at the  
other side as indicated in Figure 3.  
5.Extend the drain hose out of the other side. Fix the drain  
hose onto the cabinet with the drain hose rack. Set the  
drain hose nut on, and fasten the nut to the direction  
indicated in the figure, as per Figure 4.  
bottom plate  
drain outlet  
soft item  
3.Put down the outer drain hose. Twist the drain hose nut  
counterclockwise to take it off as indicated in Figure 1.  
Take off the drain hose rack. Put the drain hose into  
the cabinet as indicated in Figure 2.  
Figure 3  
Figure 4  
6.Install the protecting cover of the drain outlet to the other  
side, as indicated in Figure 5.  
Figure 5  
drain hose  
7.Install the bottom plate (method the same as stated  
above). Lift up the washing  
machine gently.  
Drain hose nut  
Drain hose rack  
drain hose nut  
Figure 2  
Page 4  
Figure 1  
Usage of the drain hose  
The drain hose shall drain smoothly  
4.If extra drain hose is needed, please  
1.The height of the drain hose shall be  
less than 10cm, or the drainage will not  
be smooth, and cost such long time that  
make separate purchase. The inner  
diameter of the extra hose shall not  
less than 30mm, and the length shall  
not exceed 1.5m.  
the machine may stop at mid way.  
2.Do not ramp or press the drain hose.  
3.If the drain hose is too long, cut it at mid  
point. Tomake smooth drainage, cut the  
front end of the hose slantingly.  
f the extra hose is too long, cut it either  
at point A or B.  
Install the water inlet hose  
Install the water inlet pipe  
Water faucet, suitable  
water faucet, not suitable  
It is required that the front end shall be longer than 10mm.  
The outlet end surface of the faucet shall be flat and smooth. If not, please file it smooth to avoid leakage.  
Connection between the water inlet hose jointer and the water faucet  
1.Press the lower end of the lock lever and push down the slider. Take off the water inlet hose jointer from the  
water inlet hose component. See to Figure 1.  
2 Loosen the four screws of the water inlet hose jointer till the water faucet can be accessed. Then set the water inlet hose  
jointer on the faucet. See to Figure 2. If the faucet is too large and the jointer cannot be set on, please loosen the four  
screws and take out the bush inside the jointer. See to Figure 3.  
Water inlet hose jointer  
Screw knife  
Lock level  
Water inlet hose  
Figure 1  
Figure 2  
Figure 3  
3 Fasten the four screws of the water inlet hose jointer evenly. See to Figure 4.  
4 Take off the nameplate.Twist the fastening nut as per the indication of the figure  
to seal up the exit end face of the faucet. See to Figure 5.  
Remark: .Before installation, the threading is 4mm above the upper surface of the nut.  
After installation, the threading is 2mm above the upper surface of the nut..  
About 4mm after twisting  
About above 2mm after twisting  
Screw nut  
Figure 4  
Figure 5  
Figure 6  
Connection between the water inlet hose and the washing machine  
1 Do not takeoff the waterabsorption cushion. Pleasecheck  
Water inlet  
hose nut  
if the cushion isdropped or damaged eachtime before using.  
If it happens so,please duly contact ourafter-sale service  
2 Set the nutof the water inlethose on the waterinlet valve jointer.  
3 Fasten the nut.Swing it gently toconfirm if it's fastenedwell.  
Water inlet valvejointer Water absorption cushion.  
Connection between the water inlet hose jointer and the water inlet hose  
1 Push downthe slider. Plug the waterinlet hose into the jointer.  
The water inlet  
hose jointer  
Locking level  
2 Hang thelock lever onto the jointer. Release  
the slider till a click sound is heard.  
Check the connection between the water inlet hose jointer and the  
water faucet  
1.Swing the hosegently to checkif it isfastened stably.  
2.After installation, openthe faucet tocheck if itleaks water.  
3.Do not bendthe hose byforce.  
4.Each time beforeusing, please checkif the connection  
between the waterinlet hose jointerand the waterfaucet,  
and the installation of the waterinlet hoseis firm, so as  
to avoid droppingowing to improperinstallation.  
Dismount the water inlet hose  
1 Close the water faucet.  
2 Press the lock lever and push down theslider. Thenpull off the  
water inlet hose. If the machine is used more than once every  
week, the waterinlet hose jointer can remain on the faucet to  
avoid damaging the fastening screws.  
Lock level  
1 Preparation before washing  
Preparation before washing  
1 Connect the water inlet hose. Open the water faucet.  
2 Confirm that the washing machine is earthed reliably.  
Then plug thepower plug into the receptacle. The  
earthing terminal shall not link to gas pipeline and  
faucet water pipeline.  
3 Put downthe drain hose.  
4.Slanting or uneven ground may result in unstable  
working or abnormal noise. Please make the machine  
stand horizontally.  
Pay attention to the followings before washing  
if C l e a r t h e Tie the long The quantity of  
When the pulsator  
the laundries pocket. Take strips; fasten the laundries is running ,the  
have special out the coins, the buttons; shall not be too buttons of the  
requirement sand, hairpins close zippers. large. Stretch laundries may  
on washing etc.  
and loosen the cause noise. For  
laundries before t h e s a k e o f  
putting them in discretion, please  
the tub.  
put the laundries  
with buttons into  
other laundries.  
a. Check if the laundries are applicable for washing with machine.  
b. Divide the laundries that are not colorfast from other laundries.  
c. Put the laundries difficult to absorb water into water with hand.  
d. For thelaundries with heavy soil, please first remove the dirt like mudor dust.  
For the parts with heavy soil, please apply detergent on them in advance, which  
can make it easier to remove the soil.  
e. For thelaundries that may get lint ball and those with long fur, turn it over before  
putting in.  
f. Do notput the laundries polluted by chemicals into the washing machine directly.  
2 Put in the laundries  
The capacity of washing and spinning refer to the  
largest weight of the standard laundries under dry  
condition that can be washed or spinned in one  
cycle. Washing quantityfor one cycle shall be  
less than the rated capacity.  
The thickness, size and type of the cloth will  
influence the actual washing capacity.It is  
feasible to put in suitable amount of laundries and  
the laundries can be tumbled normally in washing  
for one cycle.  
In using water with high temperature, please pay  
attention to the washing temperature limit stated  
on the label of the laundries.  
3 Add the detergent and softener  
Inlet for concentrated washing  
powder and detergent  
Put the washing powder and softener into the detergent  
box directly as indicated in the left figure.  
After that, please close the detergent box. Refer to the  
following table for the usage of the detergent: The  
standard dosage of the detergent and the water  
Softener inlet  
Detergent box  
How to use the washing powder  
How to use the softener  
When you use softener, the softener must be lower  
than the underside of water cap.  
Please often wash the detergent box, because  
softener may curdle easily.  
Direct dissolved in the machine  
1.Fill in small quantity of water.  
(Select water level 1)  
2.Add the powder. Run for 30 seconds to  
dissolve it completely.  
3.Put in the laundries. Select suitable  
water level.  
The instant dissolving of the washing  
How to use the whitener  
Fill water to decided level. Dilute  
the whitener with container. Pour  
it slowly into the washing tub.  
Avoid using whitener on laundries  
with color or pattern as they are  
prone to lose color.  
The whitener shall not touch the  
laundries directly.  
Refer to the user's manual for the  
usage and quantity of the whitener.  
For powder whitener, please dissolve  
it before use.  
1. Prepare warm water of 30 and  
2. Add the powder into the container  
while stirring to fully dissolve it.  
The powder is more prone to pollute the  
laundries than the detergent. Therefore  
please use it with proper quantity.  
It is suggested not to use high sudsing  
Washing powder with poor quality or long  
time storage may be caked. Please pay  
attention to cleaning the detergent box in time.  
4 Use the operation buttons  
a Description of the function of the operation buttons  
Mode and meaning of the indicator  
In starting the machine,it is set toCOOL  
WATER automatically  
Push the button toselect one from thethree  
modes of COOLWATER only, both WARM  
WATER andCOOL WATER, or hot wateronly.  
Note that the watertemperature inside the  
Flash: indicating the running mode  
On: indicating the mode about to run  
Flash rapidly: indicating abnormal situation  
tub shall not exceed50  
Cool water No requirement on water temperature  
If the hot water temperature is too high  
and needs to be mixed with cool water  
Cool water  
Warm water  
If the bulbof the levelmeter is inside the standard circle, it indicates  
that the machine is horizontal.  
When the temperature of hot water is  
suitable, or when you need to improve  
the water temperature inside the tub  
Warm water  
Select the fuzzy program. After clothdetection, the water  
level will be setto one out of4, 6, 8, and10.  
If there's water inside the tub, themachine cannot detect  
the cloth and willdisplay water level 6  
If wet laundries areput in, it maydisplay water level 10  
You canalso set water level by self.After the machine is  
started, it will notdetect the cloth.  
If quick program isselected, the water level will be setto 2  
automatically. When level is reached, itwill perform  
washing while filling water. The2 water level indicator is  
on, and the 4water level indicator is flashing. When the“4”  
water level is reached,it will stop fillingwater. 2 level  
indicator is off,and 4 level indicatoris on. It willperform  
normal washing.  
CURRENT button  
When the washing machine starts running, it  
will set the currentautomatically.  
You canselect current by selfaccording to the  
actual requirement.  
Please do not selectstrong current under low  
water level to avoidsplashing and vibration.  
In FASTand GENTLE programs, thewashing  
machine will set thecurrent automatically,and  
the users cannot selectcurrent in that case.  
START/PAUSE button  
After the power isswitched on, push itto start  
the machine  
During sensing, it displays --  
During operation ofprograms, it displays the  
remained time (minute)  
During working, push itto pause working.  
During pause, push itto resume working.  
During reserve procedure, it displays the  
remained reserve time (in hour)  
In case of abnormal phenomenon, itdisplays  
the abnormal symbol (see to Page16)  
POWER ON/OFF button  
Push the On/Offbutton to switchon the power.  
When the poweris on, push it again to switch  
off the power.  
SELECT button  
Push it to select one or more programs from SOAK  
RESERVE button  
PROGRAM button  
The following four programsare available for your  
Push the buttonto select washingfinishing time  
between 2-24 hours.  
When the RESERVEfunction is activated, the  
RESERVE and TIMEREMAIN indicators areon.  
The other indicatorsare off.  
Standard Common washing  
Low noise washing during night  
Washing the woolen textiles or underwear  
10-minute quick washing of laundries with light soil  
Push the RESERVEbutton to displaythe reserve  
Remarks: Push theOn/Off button toswitch on thepower. Ifthe washing machineis idle for5 minutes, itwill  
automatically switch offthe power.  
b Steps of using the operation buttons and description of each step.  
1 Push the POWER ON/OFF button to switch on the power.  
2 Push the program button to select suitable automatic program.  
After switching onthe power, the machine willset standard programautomatically. To select otherautomatic program,  
push the PROGRAMbutton till the relative indicator is on.  
Refer to thePROGRAM button onPage 11for the selection.  
Page 11  
For instance: selectQUICK program forlaundries with smallquantity and lightsoil.  
In selecting the standard and night programs, the  
machine will execute fuzzy program to select  
water level and wash time according to the cloth  
and weight ofthe laundries. Thefull procedure is  
controlled automatically.  
3 Push the select button to select suitable procedure.  
After switching on the power, the washingmachine will set to WASH-SPIN procedure  
automatically. Itis the common procedure. To select other procedures, push theSELECT button to  
select one or more procedures fromSOAK, WASH, RINSEAND SPIN. Refer to PROCEDURE  
SELECTION METHOD tomake selection.  
Page 13  
Even there's no water in thetub, a certain period  
is required before spin starting.  
Do not usethe SOAK programfor the woolen  
Separate the laundriesthat are notcolorfast from  
other laundries in washing.  
Procedure selection method  
Times of pushing the  
SELECT button  
Contents (the lightedindicators  
indicate the programs about to run)  
Selected procedure  
Applicable circumstance  
When the common laundriesneed  
washing, rinsing and spinning.  
(the washing liquid  
remains in the tub)  
Repeat using the washingliquid  
When prevent the laundriesfrom  
corrugating, and the laundriesdo not  
need spinning  
(the rinsing liquid  
remains in the tub)  
When the laundries need rinsing  
And spinning after manual washing  
(spin after drain)  
When the laundries needonly  
spinning after manual washing (first  
drain then spin)  
The laundries are verydirty, orthe  
sleeves and collars ofthe shirt are  
very dirty.First soak then wash.  
Push the SELECTbutton for 6 times, and it will resume the initial mode. It will circulate in that sequence.  
The SOAK procedurecan work in cooperation with automatic programs like standard and night. Thereis  
intermittent pulsator stirring during soak.  
4 Push the WATER INLET button to select water inlet mode  
After the poweris switched on, the washing machinewill set toCOOL WATER inlet modeautomatically. To  
select WARM WATER onlyor both COOL WATER and WARM WATER, pushthe WATER INLET buttonto make  
selection. See toWATER INLET in Page10 for details.  
Page 10  
5 Push the WATER LEVEL button to select suitable water level  
After the power isswitched on, the washingmachine will execute fuzzyprogram automatically to detectthe cloth. After  
defection, it can setthe water level automatically. To select other waterlevel, push the WATER LEVELbutton to set the  
water level. Refer to WATER LEVELin Page 10 forselection.  
Page 10  
Page 9  
6 Push the CURRENT button to select suitable water current  
After the power isswitched on, the washingmachine can set thecurrent automatically according tothe laundries. If you  
need to select currentby yourself, please pushthe CURRENT button.  
Page 10  
Refer to CURRENTin Page 10 fordetails.  
7 Push the RESERVE button to select suitable reserve wash program  
After the poweris switched on, the reserve program is set to off mode automatically. If you need to set thewashing  
procedure to be finished at reserved time, please push the RESERVE buttonto set the reserve wash program. Refer to  
RESERVE BUTTON inPage 11for selection.  
Reserve time from 2 to 24 hours  
Confirm the operation ofreserve program  
When the RESERVE function is activated, the indicator of the program you have set will be  
off. The RESERVE (HOUR) and TIME REMAIN indicators will be on. During reserve  
procedure, you can push the RESERVE button to display the reserve mode.  
To change the running program or cancel the reserve setting, you need to switch off the  
power and make new selection.  
The washing will be finished after 18 hours.  
8 Push the START/PAUSE button  
5 Close the top lid.  
6 Finish washing.  
It beeps to indicatethe  
finishing of washing  
If you open the top lid, the machine will stop working before spinning.  
The power will be switched off automatically after the finishing of the washing.  
7 Disposal After Washing  
Please take offthe detergent box and wash it with water  
1.How to takeit off: Pullit upwards slantingly and gently.  
2.How to install: Put it in from the top slantingly, thenpush  
it in to theright position.  
Lint filter:  
1.Pull it up todismount.  
2.Push it down toinstall it.  
3.After washing, clean thefilter screen  
Dismount and install  
The filter screen islikely to be blockedby foreign  
materials and influence water inlet. Please clean it  
with brush frequently.  
If the cabinet isdirty, wipeit with wet softcloth  
Do not washwith water directly.  
Wipe with neutral detergent.  
Do not wipewith thinner, petrol, alcohol, etc.  
1.After washing, close the water faucet. (If desired, dismount the water inlet hose).  
2.Do not storewater in thewashing machine for a long period. Drain the watercompletely  
after each using.  
3.Be sure topull off thepower plug beforemaintenance.  
4.Hang up thepower cord anddrain hose.  
5.Wipe off thewater drops onthe surface of the machine and inside the tub. Open the toplid  
for some time (about 1 hour), then close the top lid.  
Trouble-shooting Answer to question  
(If there's breakdown, please pull off the power plug before checking) The following phenomena are not breakdowns  
sometimes. Please confirm again before sending it to repair. If there are real breakdowns, please come to the special  
maintenance department or after-sale service department of our company. Do not repair it by yourself.  
Howto solve  
It rings after startingthe Reserve  
function. The digitron displaysE0.  
The top lid isopened.  
Close the top lid.  
Clean the foreign material.Push  
the start button again.  
The drainage cannot work, or is too slow.  
The digitron displays E1 and it rings.  
Is the drain hoseblocked?  
After washing and rinsing,it stops  
running during spinning.The  
digitron displays E2 andit rings.  
The top lid isnot closed.  
Close the top lid.  
The safety switch acts, and the  
spinning cannot work (after twice  
automatic imbalance revising). The  
digitron displays E3 and it rings.  
Reorder the laundries. Closethe top lid.  
Set the washing machinehorizontally and  
then open and closethe top lid once.  
Are the laundries putslantingly?  
Is the machine slanting?  
The water inlet doesnot work, or is  
too slow (cannot reach the water  
level after about 15minutes). The  
digitron displays E4 andit rings.  
Open the water faucet. Push the  
Start/Pause button again.  
Clean the water inletvalve then push the  
Start/Pause button again.  
Is the water faucetopened, or is there  
water supply failure?  
Is the water inletvalve blocked?  
The temperature is higher  
than 75 C.  
The water temperature is too high.  
The digital tube displays E5, and rings.  
After cooling. Press theStar/Pause knob.  
Clear the foreign material.  
Is there foreign materialblocking  
the spray outlet?  
The cascade current ispoor or  
there's no cascade current.  
Please use it whenthere's power supply.  
Insert the power plugtightly.  
Fill water to thepreset position.  
Is there power failure?  
Is the power pluginserted tightly?  
Is the water levelreached preset  
Not wash  
The machine  
does not act.  
Insert the power plugtightly.  
Close the top lid.  
Set the laundries flat.  
Adjust the machine tobe even  
Remove the foreign materials.  
Reorder the laundries andclose the top lid.  
Is the power pluginserted tightly?  
Is the top lidclosed reliably?  
Are the laundries setflat?  
Is the machine slanting?  
Are there any foreignmaterials?  
Are the laundries putslantingly in  
Not spin  
There's abnormal sound inside  
the machine  
Is the screw ofthe water inlet hose  
jointer loose?  
Fasten the screw ofthe jointer properly.  
The water faucet leakswater  
Is the screw ofthe water inlet hose  
jointer twisted awry?  
Is the power plug plugged tightly?  
Is the water faucet opened?  
Are the POWER ON/OFF and  
Plug the power plugtightly.  
Open the water faucet.  
Push the power ON/OFFbutton and  
No water inlet.  
START/PAUSE buttons pushed down?  
Common phenomena  
The spinning isintermittent when it starts.  
It is to balancethe laundries to avoidslanting.  
The cloth sensor isdetecting the cloth. Itwill start  
adding water after about48 seconds.  
The wash procedurepauses.  
The program issetting the drain time.A certain  
period is needed beforeit starts spinning.  
Push the SPINbutton, but itdoesn't act.  
The pulsator pauses during water filling in washing and rinsing.  
It is to avoidsplashing during water filling.  
It is the waterremained in the machineduring the  
ex-factory performance inspection.  
There may besome water flowing outof the drain  
hose in the firstuse of the machine.  
It is to soakthe laundries more completely.  
In adding water,the pulsator performs stirringslightly  
Packing list  
User's manual  
One piece  
The end connecting to  
the washing machine  
Jointer connecting  
the water inlet hose  
to the water faucet  
Two pieces  
The end connecting to  
the water inlet hose jointer  
Bottom plate  
One piece  
Tapping screws  
Lint filter  
Eight pieces  
One piece  
One set  
Fuzzy computerized automatic  
washing machine  
1/23L, 2/30L, 3/34L, 4/40L, 5/44L,  
6/49L, 7/53L, 8/57L, 9/61L, 10/66L  
Water level/Water quantity (about)  
Injection pressure  

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